Membership of Friends of the Hurtwood a 'how to' guide
Who are ‘Friends of the Hurtwood?
Friends of the Hurtwood (FotH) is a registered UK charity (200053). Its summary objects are
- to provide facilities to the public for healthy open air recreation and to provide and preserve public access to relevant lands, in particular, heathland and woodland in Surrey
- to conserve, protect and improve the environment and history of such lands
- to educate the public in this environment, its history and its conservation, protection and improvement
Control of the charity is vested in a Trust Company whose Directors participate on a voluntary basis.

Membership of Friends of the Hurtwood – a “how to” guide
In this section we answer questions about becoming a member, how to make changes to your contact details or your donation and, how to cancel your membership
1) Becoming a Member
You can become a Member by clicking on any of the DONATE buttons which can be found throughout our website. This will link you to our donation page at Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), who we have appointed to process donations on our behalf.
There are two ways to become a Friend of the Hurtwood:
a) Make a regular donation, monthly or annually, by means of a direct debit. Most of our donors prefer this approach because as long as their direct debit is active their membership will remain in place
b) Make a single donation by card or PayPal to become a Member for one year. Shortly before the renewal date an email will remind you to make another donation to renew your annual membership, otherwise your membership will expire. All personal details will be deleted one year after expiry of your membership.
2) Change personal details
a) Change of email address
It is vital that we hold an up to date email address for you because email is used for all member communication. Therefore please tell us if you change your email address by emailing from your new email address. Please include the old email address and your full name in the text so that we can update our records
b) Change of postal address
Please let us know if your postal address changes. Simply email with the details and we will update our records
3) Change direct debit
a) Change of direct debit frequency or amount
Our partnership with Charities Aid Foundation permits us to make changes to a direct debit but you must instruct us first. You can request us to make a change by emailing CAF will send an email to you confirming any changes we have made
b) Cancelling a direct debit
All you need do is to contact your bank. When we receive notice of your cancellation you will receive an email confirming your membership has ended. All personal details will deleted one year after expiry of your membership.