Privacy policy


The Friends of the Hurtwood is a Charity (Reg. No 200053) whose purpose is to manage public access to and protect the environment of the Hurtwood.  The Charity employs a Ranger, maintains a website, publishes regular newsletters, produces maps and signage, organises occasional events and activities on the Hurtwood, clears fly tip, maintains free car parks and notice boards for visitors, and secures funding through private donation. 

How we collect your information

We collect your contact information when you complete your donation and become a member of the Charity, or when you make an enquiry through our website. If you cease your donation your data will remain in our database for  one year after which it will be deleted.

What do we do with it?

We use your data to provide you with information about events and activities which might be of interest to you. Names of Donors are normally published in our Annual Accounts.

As the data is provided by you we therefore process this data with your consent.  However the data processing is also in line with the legitimate interests of a not for profit organisation in arranging events; notifying interested parties of events etc.  Contact on this basis is made for the purposes of providing information on events you may have interest in.

To change or delete your data at any time you can contact us by post at the above address or simply email details to

 Who do we share it with?

FotH will not sell your data to any third party.   We do however need to share your data as follows:

  • Your contact data provided through the website will be processed by Mailchimp. Their activities are compliant with the GDPR
  • If you set up a donation through the website your data is shared with the Charities Aid Foundation who provide the technical way for us to collect your donation. Their activities are compliant with the GDPR. CAF will only email you a) when you first set up a regular donation and b) to confirm any subsequent changes to your regular donation
  • If we make payments to you, for example as an employee or a contractor, we will share necessary details with your bank to enable us to make that payment.

Friends of the Hurtwood

C/o The Parish Office, St Mark’s Churchyard, Peaslake, GU5 9RR

Privacy Officer:

Follow the links below to find out more things to do

Consider becoming a Friend of the Hurtwood