What Is The Queen’s Green Canopy?


The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) is a unique tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022 which invites people from across the United Kingdom to “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee”.

Everyone from individuals to Scout and Girlguiding groups, villages, cities, counties, schools and corporates will be encouraged to play their part to enhance our environment by planting trees during the official planting season between October to March. Tree planting will commence again in October 2022, through to the end of the Jubilee year.

With a focus on planting sustainably, the QGC will encourage planting of trees to create a legacy in honour of The Queen’s leadership of the Nation, which will benefit future generations.

As well as inviting the planting of new trees, The Queen’s Green Canopy will dedicate a network of 70 Ancient Woodlands across the United Kingdom and identify 70 Ancient Trees to celebrate Her Majesty’s 70 years of service.

Find out more here:  https://queensgreencanopy.org/

What is the Friends of the Hurtwood involvement?

The Queen’s Green Canopy is a timely campaign given the importance of trees in the repair of our global environment. As many of us do not have the space to plant more trees in our own gardens, Friends of the Hurtwood  started a fundraising campaign amongst FOTH members, Hurtwood landowners and the public at large to enable the planting of a Queen’s Green Canopy copse. Sufficient funds were raised to plant three separate sites around the Hurtwood.  Thank you to everyone that contributed!

Sites have been identified

The first site will be in an area of Shere Heath which currently doesn’t have much forest cover.  Two further sites are being prepared in the Walking Bottom area and in the Pinetum.  We aim to put a QR notice in each area so walkers and other visitors are informed about the trees and are able to identify walks between the three sites.

Photos of the work in progress will be posted as planting starts.

Follow the links below to find out more things to do





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